Hello again.

I am working on adding some other cool stuff as well as changing the overall look and feel of the website.

School is going as well as I could hope for right now but I plan on actually taking it seriously and working harder at it

But that is boring so lets talk about cool stuff

I made another song with my sister and made some 3d models as well as a cool cover for it

Along with having the actual cover I made a logo for my fake label called Panda

I am pretty happy with how they turned out and wish I knew how to link them here. If I figure out a way I will do so.

Along with that I got my first library card and already out my first book on hold and it is being shipped here rn. woah so cool. If anyone cares the book is The Journey to the West and I am pretty excited to read it.

One more thing before I go, I plan on making a monthly youtube series about what music I am listening to and plan on working on the first video pretty soon here.

I am working on making things look nicer around here and I also plan on actually using my speeches more lol. Until next time :>